June meeting

QuiltWest is now over – many sighs of relief from entrants and organisers both. It was a wonderful exhibition. Congratulations to all those involved in any capacity.  There was huge interest in our map display and our activity samples too. The Viewers’ Choice for the maps will be revealed at our meeting and a gallery  of all the quilts will be posted soon.

For June Show-and-Tell, we are inviting all members who exhibited quilts at QuiltWest to bring them in for a closer look and for explanation of special techniques or effects you used. Whenever we hear the maker’s motivation and intent for creating a textile piece, it adds enormously to our understanding and appreciation of the creative skills involved. Hints and tips often spark inspiration and provide opportunities for follow-up activities in our group.

There will be a 1 x 20 minute presentation by Meg Cowey on a variation of foundation paper piecing that she picked up at AQC.
Following lunch Sheila Pye and Phil Thomas will present a talk on how the judges select prizewinning quilts.
Members will then have the opportunity to assist in selecting prizeworthy quilts from a variety of quilts that Sheila and Phil will bring along. If possible, please send in questions in advance to Sheila or Phil. Because of confidentiality they will be unable to answer questions related to specific quilts displayed at QuiltWest. All you will need for this activity is a notebook and pencil.
So, next meeting will be relaxed and informal, with lots of talk. See you then!