July Meeting part 2 – Screen prep

Earlier in the day, Christine Wheeler gave a preparatory demo on how to make a small screen for screen printing. All 50 pieces of mesh were quickly snapped up, so we expect everyone to be ready for the screen printing activity in August. More information on what to bring and how to make a screen will follow shortly.

In the meantime here is a very brief explanation from Phil’s blog which might help you get started.


The fabric for the mesh in the post is ‘Harem Voile’ and is the same fabric given to members at the meeting. Note the tape in the well of the frame should cover more of the mesh (Christine uses masking tape for this) to allow an area for the paint to sit before printing.

Show and tell included more quilts entered at QuiltWest and some examples from past workshops and demos

July Meeting part 1 – Where to Put What?

A busy and informative meeting as ever.

Our guest speaker this month was Helen Jones who gave an excellent introduction to composition in design, with a presentation and activity entitled “Where to put what??”. As always the photos tell the story as we grappled with bits of paper, scissors and glue sticks. Frowns on foreheads are due to deep concentration rather than frustration, as the afternoon was voted ‘great fun’ by the participants. Looking forward to seeing quilts inspired by our designs next month at show and tell…

Helen is a member of the Embroiderers’ Guild and an artist who works in both paint and textiles. She has had a long career in art and design including teaching at South West TAFE, running a commercial textile business and selling her work, both paint and textile, through galleries and retail outlets around WA.